Project Links
When I (finally) decided to put together a portfolio site, I had no shortage of options to choose from when it came to the tech stack. In this post, I'll explain why I made the choices I did, as well as some of the challenges that came up along the way.
const project: Project = {
title: 'Portfolio Site',
number: 12345,
date: '2024-03-01',
urls: {
source: ''
}, // I'm a comment
regex: /\/projects\/content\/001-portfolio-site.mdx[^abc]*/
<Child project={project} />
<span>I'm some text content</span>
const arrowFn = (value) => {
if (true)
return 'I am an arrow function';
return 'I am an arrow function';
function regularFn(arg1: string, arg2: Project) {
return 'I am a regular function';
class Foo extends Bar {
constructor() {
public method(arg: string): void {
console.log('I am a class method');
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent eu urna ac turpis lacinia varius. Nulla vehicula pulvinar rhoncus. Ut ullamcorper velit id diam viverra porta. Vivamus eu orci efficitur ante congue blandit et nec quam. Suspendisse diam mi, posuere sit amet ipsum quis, accumsan gravida tortor. Fusce blandit posuere erat vitae sagittis. Quisque at tempor tellus. Etiam sollicitudin cursus ullamcorper. Aliquam consectetur odio orci, et porttitor metus mattis eu. Praesent a metus vel turpis fermentum porttitor. Nam quis felis ante. Donec quam odio, commodo vitae lectus non, placerat ultricies risus.